Rita is a hairdresser for dogs. She works in a small dog salon and all her free time she devotes to her demanding stepmother, Edith. When Samir arrives, from home-help, Rita her chance to spend some time on herself so she signs up for a self-discovery course at a New Age center. There, she meets Knut, who is pretending to be there to find himself, but who is really a journalist looking to burst the New Age bubble.
Knut works as a tenacious journalist at a major newspaper. On the order of his Editorial Director, Knut goes on the course to expose the whimsical ways to self-fulfillment. In Rita, he finds the perfect, naive victim who he can write about in his article. But can he really do that once he gets to know her?
White Trash is a romantic comedy with a lot of humour and big heart.
Production Information
Genre: comedy/romance
Length: 1hr 32mins.
Language: Swedish
Production year: 2005
Producer: Moa Westeson
Co-producers: Christer Abrahamsen, Tanya Badendyck, Silje Hopland Eik
Director: Anette Winblad